Democrat-controlled cities are out of control. Crime is rampant. Infrastructure is being destroyed. Police are quitting. 9-11 calls go unanswered. Yet despite this, Democrats are doubling down on lax policies that enable and encourage this behavior: Defunding police, releasing repeat offenders, not prosecuting crimes, maximizing homelessness, decriminalizing drugs, etc. Major retailers like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and others are closing stores in blue cities everywhere. Not because they are losing business to online sales, but because shoplifting has become out of control and instead of preventing it, local authorities are decriminalizing and incentivizing it.
Here are some recent – terrible – examples. Look at this mother trying to shop in Chicago where Walmart is now closing four stores. She is crying and pleading with her community to stop stealing and destroying Walmart so she can feed her children.
I feel so sorry for all the good people in Chicago
— Clown World ™(@ClownWorld_) April 18, 2023
This sarcastic comment says it all about San Francisco.
— Declaration of Memes (@LibertyCappy) April 15, 2023
Got to have that Nike. I love the worker who ironically says, “Thanks for shopping with us,” as the looters exit the building.
— Concerned Citizen (@cotupacs) April 17, 2023
The USA continues to descend into lawlessness – we’ve all seen the hundreds of clips over the last 18 months of rampant unchecked theft.
It’s so crazy in Commiefornia residents are legitimately allowed to steal up to $950 of goods prior to any prosecution.
Does CRT teaching explain it all?